Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weekly Meal Plan: 5/25/15 - 5/31/15 AND A Memorial Day Treat!

Memorial Day Weekend!

Do you have any fun plans?  Are you ready to get prepared for a healthy week ahead -- after the holiday?

DON'T FORGET, if you DO need to get back on track after Memorial Day Weekend, I'm looking for ladies who need that little extra push with their health and fitness ..... before Summer is truly upon us! We are starting a Summer Shake-Down together on June 1st! 

Check out info about the Summer Shake-Down HERE.

21 Day Fix Meal Plan

Weekly Meal Plan: 5/25/15 - 5/31/15

Tuesday:  Grilled Al Fresco Chicken Sausage & Grilled Vegetables
Wednesday  Slow-Cooker Meatloaf & Mashed Cauliflower
Thursday:  Leftovers
Friday:  Dinner Out
Saturday:  Spicy Turkey Taco Burgers & Butternut Squash Fries
Sunday  Grilled Chicken on a Mixed Green Salad (seasoned with Flavor God Seasoning)

We are having friends over for Memorial Day.  Isn't this the cutest idea for a healthy (mostly) and EASY Memorial Day treat?  If anyone wants to bring this to our house for a Summer party, you are more than welcome! 

Healthy Memorial Day Treat


P.S.  Don't forget!  I am currently creating a FREE three-part tutorial, that will provide you with step-by-step instructions (including file downloads) outlining exactly how I create our weekly meal plans.  This process now takes me only about 10-15 minutes each week!  What a time-saver.

Sign up HERE to receive the free tutorial when it is finalized.  Or leave your email address in the comments below.

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