Thursday, May 14, 2015

When Life Throws You a Curve - What Do You Do?

Sometimes blog posts are difficult for me to write.  Recipes and meal-plans come easy for me.  Sharing personal struggles ..... doesn't.

I'm dealing with a big "curve".  Right now, I am sidelined from working out with a bad strain of my trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles (shoulder and upper/mid-back/side on my right side).  I am taking steroids (to reduce the inflammation) and pain-killers.  Daily activities -- and oftentimes any movement -- are difficult.  I will be starting 4 weeks of physical therapy. 

So there it is. 

No working out for me for now, until I figure out what I actually CAN do right now.

Besides the pain and limited mobility, dealing with an injury that derails your normal routine can be emotionally grueling.  My attitude hasn't been the best for the past 2 weeks.  I really needed something to "shake me out of it".

I got it.  I was listening to my CEO talk earlier this week, and I heard him talk about a few points.  And, I knew I had no choice but to turn my attitude around:
  1. Staying positive
  2. Knowing and working from your strengths
  3. Enduring failures; no whining; work through them
  4. Focusing on your priorities

There is always, always a silver lining to in a situation such as this. 

Want to hear how I plan to "stay sane" and NOT gain any weight?  Please keep reading:
  • Social support:  The importance of social support for responding to stressful life events and for our overall health and wellness is not to be underestimated!  The friends in my fitness community have been so awesome and so supportive. Many people have reached out to tell me, “You’ll be fine. You can get through it.”  They have helped me to stay POSITIVE.
  • Rest is important, too:  Remembering -- this is an opportunity to rest and give my body a break.  And, to properly heal.
  • Focus on gratitude:  I still have my health.  Besides this injury, I am good condition.  I am strong, I wake up everyday loving what I do.  Being side-lined is short-term.
  • Focus on nutrition:  Take the opportunity to REALLY dial in to my nutrition.  That will be my primary tool for staying on track while I heal.  This will be my priority.  With healthy recipes and weekly meal-planning; this IS my strength.
I am starting a brand-new 6-day group, starting on June 1st.  Details are below!  Email me HERE to join us!
  • The group will run from June 1-6th.
  • Daily meal ideas and sample grocery list provided.
  • Fun and friendship.  Bring a friend or family member.
  • Participate from the comfort of your own home.
  • Drop a few pounds, as Summer (shorts and tank tops) is upon us!
  • $30 to participate or FREE if you are already drinking Shakeology.
  • Win a fun prize, too!
I will be participating 100%, and this group will be co-run with one my fabulous friends.  It is sure to be a blast!  What do you have to lose - except for a few pounds or bloat?

Join us!

Thank you for reading.


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